We offer 30 day returns for all online purchases, except sale items (which are considered final sales), in their original, unworn/unused condition with tags attached and/or in the original packaging.
Customers are responsible for all shipping charges associated with returned item(s), except when a refund has been requested because an order either did not arrive or arrived damaged.
If you would like to return an item or there is a problem with your order, please contact us and let us know what item(s) you wish to return, the reason for the return and your order number.
Upon receipt and inspection of the returned item(s), we will refund the purchase price to your original form of payment minus the cost of shipping. You will receive an email confirmation when the refund has been processed. Please allow one week to ten days for funds to show up in your account.
We recommend using one of Canada Post’s trackable shipping options and, if the items being returned are valued at over $100, purchasing shipping insurance. We cannot be held responsible for returned items we have not received.
This policy only applies to orders placed in this store, not to purchases made with retailers carrying Explorken merchandise.